After classical and musical studies, piano at at the Milan College of Music, and a Law degree,  I obtained the professional title of lawyer in March 2006.  After several years’ experience as coordinator of a team of lawyers in a well known law firm in Milan, I established my own practice in March 2008.

The main object of our firm’s expertise and the handling cases entrusted to me by clients refer primarily to private and corporate litigation, as regards contractual or tort liability, in addition to court and out-of-court arrangements and various types of conflictual situations, also in the fields of family law, shareholding structures, employment, blocks of individually owned flats and the credit recovery that is often implied.

Another significant area of expertise is assistance in insurance liability cases, specifically in the area of professional liability, where I defend leading Italian and foreign groups and conduct legal action on their account.

I am also the sole external legal consultant in an administrative committee charged with assessing hospital accidents.

Effectiveness, accuracy and determination in carrying out preliminary examination and handling of the lawsuits entrusted to me and to my team are the hallmarks of our action. We also provide wide-ranging expertise and strategic skills that have been acquired on the field in almost twenty years of activity.

I work in areas that are deliberately non-sectoral, but rather multidisciplinary, without this entailing superficiality in examining or studying cases, and I guarantee unswerving commitment to law practice.